Standardization of water ambulances. - Meeting of the ILSE sport commission in Glasgow (Scotland, Great Britain) 19th - 21st January 2001, in Ischia Island (Napoli, Italy) 22nd - 25th January 1999, in Stavanger (Norway) 9th - 11th January 1998. - ILSE sport commission newsletter. - Minutes of the ILSE Board of Directors meeting in Egmond aan Zee (Netherlands) 12th - 14th May 2000, in Szczecin (Poland) 15th October 1999, in Venice (Italy) 23rd - 25th May 1997. - Minutes of the ILSE education commission meeting in Zandvoort (Netherlands) 21st - 23rd January 2000. - ILSE Medical Network. - ILSE competition rulebook. - ILSE European championships for juniors in Liptovsk-Mikulas (Slovakia) 26th - 31st July 2000. - College of referees. - ILSE training courses in Sozopol (Bulgaria) 31st August - 14th Septemebr 2000. - Minutes of the ILSE General Assembly in Szczecin (Poland) 14th - 17th October 1999. - ILSE extraordinary assembly in Sydney (Australia) 22nd March 2000, in Auckland (New Zealand) 3rd February 1997. - European training courses 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997. - FIN Medical conference in Modena (Italy) 5th - 6th December 1998. - Youth symposium 1998. - Obituaries for Marian Filcak (member of the ILSE Board of Directors) and Klaus Bartnitzke (honorary president of FIS and ILS [ILSE]). - Eurathlon action 1998. - Education symposium in Bad Nenndorf (Germany) 27th - 29th March 1998 and in Prague (Czech Republic) 31st January - 2nd February 1997. - International congress "Bathing and Coasting along the shore - Safety in the Mediterranean Sea Basin" in Venice (Italy) 21st - 22nd May 1997.